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​​​Global Action 2022 for #UNGA77:
The 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Take action to demand the #UNinvestigateApartheid

Action to take throughout the year: see below to send a message to the UN Secretary General

• Authoritative reports on Israeli apartheid from legal experts and human rights organizations:  Click here

• Additional Resources, News and Commentary on Israeli Apartheid: Click here


On 13 September 2022, the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly
will begin in New York, with representatives of governments from around the world.

Advocates for Palestinian rights are mobilizing to ensure the UN hears the global call for a UN-led investigation of Israeli apartheid.

Decades of resistance on the ground and international solidarity, coupled with measures taken by the UN, helped confine apartheid in South Africa to the dustbin of history. The UN imposed a military embargo and called on all states to end military, economic, cultural and diplomatic relations with apartheid South Africa. 

For decades Palestinian civil society and solidarity groups have analyzed Israel’s settler-colonial regime as including apartheid against the entire Indigenous Palestinian people. Today, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem, and 100’s of global institutions, experts, leaders and an increasing number of UN member states join the global consensus - Israel is guilty of the crime against humanity of apartheid. 
(See the reports on our website.)

Our movement's South Africa moment is nearing.
Your support can help #EndIsraeliApartheid. 

TAKE ACTION - do as many as you can!


See our petition to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and sign it.

Click here to review and sign the petition

Send the message in that petition directly to the UN Secretary General: it is time for the UN to investigate Israeli apartheid.

Click here to review and send the email

Join the Twitter storm on Sept 13th- if you miss the date, you can still do the tweet!  Let it be known that you support the call for a UN investigation into Israeli apartheid.
Apartheid in South Africa ended last century, but Israeli apartheid continues to this day!
President @Csaba_Korosi_ & UN Gen Sec @antonioguterres:
We are calling on #UNGA77 to demand#UNInvestigateApartheid & impose a #MilitaryEmbargo!
Join us:

Click here to TWEET this message

Mobilize others on the Global Day of Action, September 19th:

Use these messages

And these images

Help to create Apartheid-Free Zones: in local businesses, cultural associations, congregations, or any communities in which you participate.
Click here to learn more


Actions/Campaigns    UN, Investigate