for our work to continue.

For News & Alerts

United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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🔸= Something New or Recently Updated   


• UMKR's Quick Facts series

• General Conference 2024 Resolutions and Resources
• Resolutions and Resources for Annual Conferences
• Print and Video Resources

​This page has some of our recommended resources.  But there are many more resources on our site,
 too many to list them all here. 
Some key pages where you can find resources for specific topics and campaigns:
War in Palestine/Israel 2023

Yes, It is Apartheid

Israeli Detention of Palestinian Children
The Right to Boycott

UN, Investigate Apartheid

Stand with the 6

Stop Jerusalem Expulsions
Pillsbury Boycott

Facebook, We Need to Talk
HP Boycott

See our EDUCATION home page and section for excellent resources

For older UMKR resources, please visit our Resources Archive

The  Quick Facts series for education and advocacy
Topics: Israeli Apartheid, Palestinian Children, The BDS movement,
​​Israeli Settlements, and more

 See the full series and download them

General Conference 2024 Resolutions and Resources
See them here

UMKR's Resolutions and Resources for Annual Conferences:




​​Resources       Home Page

The UMKR/MFSA Webinar series
Since May 2020, presenting church leaders and key organizers from the US, Palestine and beyond.
See them here


Video collection for UMKR Display at GC 2012

"Answering the Call" - divestment video

"Rabbis Support Church Divestment from  the Israeli Occupation"

"Divestiture - Two Opinions"

"Israelis Appeal to Methodists"

"United Methodists Taking Action at General Conference 2012"
See this collection

Plenary Sessions of the landmark UMC conference: "Walking with Palestinian Christians..for Holy Justice and Peace."
See the conference videos

See our Action/Campaigns page and the home pages for each of these action areas (links for each below) for more information and resources.


See the home page for Divestment

*GBPHB Petition and Signature Sheets

* Divestment Q & A

* Investing Is Not Enough

* Companies Profiting from Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land

* Companies Producing Goods & Services in Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land

* Companies Producing Goods & Services in Moroccan Settlements, Western Sahara

* Corporate Engagement with Caterpillar, Hewlett Packard, and Motorola Solutions

See many statements of support for UMC Divestment at ourEndorsements home page.

See the home page for Boycott

* Why Boycott Brochure

* Products to Boycott Insert/Flyer

* Boycott Q & A

* Settlements Boycott - Why & How

* Boycott PowerPoint Presentations:

   2015 Boycott PPT and 

   2015 Boycott PPT for the holiday season

* Boycott Preparation

* Seizing the Mandate- research on settlements products

UMC Resolution:Opposition to Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land

See the home page of Political Action

*Constituent Letter to Representative: Co-Sponsor HR 2407The Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act. - May 2019

* Briefing Paper on Anti-BDS Legsislation -- February 2016

* UMKR Letter on BDS to Hillary Clinton - August 2015

21 Organizations" Letter on Gaza to the U.S. State Department - Dec. 2014

Christian Leaders' Letter to Congress on U.S. Military Aid to Israel  - Oct. 2012

See the home page for Education

Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth

Kairos Palestine Study Guide, from the Israel-Palestine Mission Network, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) - (scroll down the page)

Call to Action: U.S. Response to the Kairos Palestine Document - Study Guide and Curriculum from Kairos USA

Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Primerby Phyllis Bennis

Steadfast Hope: class for church and study groups to learn about Israel/Palestine

It is Apartheid:A collection of the major reports on Israeli apartheid

Worship and Devotional Resources- see this page for many resources to use throughout the year

See the home page for Tourism

We have many brochures and flyers from recommended tour organizers. Find them at our Tourism home page.

* Flyer: Experience the Holy Land, the United Methodist Way

UMC Resolution on Holy Land Tours

Methodist Advance Partners and Projects  in Israel/Palestine


​​Introduction to the Israeli Occupation
Produced by United Methodists' Holy Land Task Force, in the California-Pacific Conference, this 4-page resource covers a lot of ground, a helpful way to get started
Download it in color
Download it in black and white

Working for a Just and Lasting Peace in Israel and Palestine

What You Should Know • How You Can Help.  
From 2017: A comprehensive 36-page education and advocacy packet, commissioned by the UMC General Conference 2016, and prepared by two United Methodist General Boards: Global Ministries and Church & Society,

Download the full booklet

Resources Catalog - "This is the Kairos"
A resource from 2014, this catalog has offerings that are still relevant and useful today.
A collection of recommended resources for learning about Israel/Palestine and the call to action from Palestinian Christians, and for advocacy for a just peace in the Holy Land. Includes materials and information in these sections: Kairos Palestine, Education, U.S. Policy, BDS,  Responsible Tourism, Films & Books, and Organizations/Websites.
See and download it

See many more print resources at the pages listed at the top of this page.

Photo Gallery

Photos of Israel/Palestine taken by United Methodists and friends on their visits. Useful for illustrating the current reality of the Israeli occupation. See the gallery

Eyewitness Reports
Firsthand descriptions from United Methodists and others of what they have seen and heard when visiting or living in Israel/Palestine.
See these
