United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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See these and more videos at the UMKR Youtube Channel:


The UMKR/MFSA Webinar Series
Beginning in May 2020, UMKR and our partners in Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) have presented usually monthly webinars on key Palestine-related topics for education and mobilization. Speakers have included UMC leaders, clergy and activists in Palestine, and many others from across the US and beyond.
See the webinars

From the Heart: United Methodist Missionaries Speak Out - April 2016

UMC Missionaries who have served in the Holy Land over several decades speak of the suffering they have seen, its causes and action they urge the church to take.  See the video

​​​​Caterpillar Bulldozer - Israel/Palestine

Powerful video about Caterpillar bulldozers, the "iron fist" of the Israeli military and the role of Caterpillar in violations of human rights and international law.  See the video 

General Conference 2012 Display

A video prepared for UMKR's display at General Conference 2012: a compilation of clips from the Steadfast Hope DVD that presents an overview of the injustice of the Israeli occupation.

​(10 minutes)  See the video

Answering the Call

A UMKR narrated powerpoint presentation that presents the Israeli occupation and the need to divest from three companies - Caterpillar, Hewlett Packard, and Motorola Solutions - named in the resolution submitted to General Conference 2012: Aligning United Methodist Resolutions with Resolutions on Israel/Palestine. (10:45 minutes) See the video

Rabbis Support Church Divestment from

the Israeli Occupation

Members of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council explain why they support divestment and encourage church members to do the same. (2 minutes) See the video

Divestiture - Two Opinions

Features Rev. Alex Awad, GBGM Missionaryand Dean of Students and Professor at Bethlehem Bible College and Rabbi Alan Cohen, Director of Inter-Religious Affairs at the Jewish Community Relations Bureau (7.5 Minutes)See the video

Alice Walker - Freedom Ride

Renowned African American author explains why she supports the flotilla to break the blockade of Gaza, and why this is "the Freedom Ride of this era." (2 minutes) See the video

Israelis Appeal to Methodists

A message from Israeli citizens asking United Methodists to support divestment from the Israeli occupation. (3.5 minutes)

See it on the Endorsement Statements page

- scroll down the page to find it.

United Methodists Taking Action

at General Conference 2012
A presentation of UMKR activity and other events at the UMC General Conference 2012 in Tampa, Florida. (3 minutes)

See the video

Walking with Palestinian Christians...for Holy Justice and Peace - video series

Videos of six presentations during plenary sessions at this UMC conference on Israel/Palestine, including General Secretaries of UMC boards, renowned Christian authors, and leaders in the Palestinian Christian community who traveled from Palestine to Ohio for this landmark UMC event.

See videos from this conference

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