for our work to continue.

For News & Alerts

United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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🔸= Something New or Recently Updated   

Webinar - Stealing the Earth Part 3: Pervasive & Self-Perpetuating
Dec 2021

Tell Congress: Support Sanders' NDAA Amendment
Tell Biden: Oppose Israeli Settlements

Nov 2021

Webinar: Stealing the Earth Part 2 - Whose land? Using Religious doctrine to justify theft
Oct 2021

Stand with the 6 - power half hour for human rights action
Oct 2021

Webinar - Black-Palestinian Solidarity
Sept 2021

Help to save endangered Tent of Nations
Sept 2021

Webinar - Stealing the Earth Part 1: What is the Doctrine of Discovery?
August 2021

Day of Action, July 8th: #SaveJerusalem
July 2021

Webinar with Friends of Wadi Foquin:

The Ongoing Palestinian Nakba ("catastrophe")
Settler Colonialism and Land Confiscation in the West Bank including East Jerusalem

July 2021

Webinar - A Deep Dive with Jewish Voice for Peace
July 2021

Medical needs in Palestine are urgent
July 2021

Webinar with Friends of Wadi Foquin:

Destruction of Land and Life: Annexation & Settler Colonial Expansion
June 2021

Vital Actions for this moment: no arms sale, end the siege, make Israeli accountable, send aid
May 2021

Webinar - Waking the World: 2021's Stunning Reports on Israeli Apartheid
May 2021

Webinar - Protecting the Right to Boycott
April 2021

Stop Forced Jerusalem Expulsions
April 2021

nd Medical Apartheid: Vaccinations for Palestinians
March 2021

Webinar - Apartheid Then & Now: A Conversation with South AFrican and Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Activists
March 2021

Unmasking the Evils of Colonialism
Turtle Island, Africa, Philippines, Palestine

Feb 2021

New Administration, New Congress, New Opportunities for Advocacy
Jan 2021

Webinar - Christmas in Bethlehem
Dec 2020

Bake action for Palestinian Rights - Boycott Pillsbury
Nov 2020

UMKR 10th Anniversary Celebration
Nov 2020

Kairos Palestine and The Global Church
Oct 2020

Covid-19 in Gaza, a humanitarian emergency
Oct 2020

Webinar - Is it antisemitic to criticize the State of Israel?
Sept 2020

Support the Israeli Annexation Non-Recognition Act
Aug 2020

Endorse Cry for Hope

Webinar - Christian Zionism

July 2020

Webinar - Responsible Tourism in the Holy Land
Action to Counter CUFI (Christians United for Israel)

June 2020

Webinar - Annexation and Apartheid
Tell Congress to Say "No!" to Annexation

May 2020

Solidarity and Support in the time of Covid-19:
Webinar now online: Covid-19 in Palestine - a conversation with Methodist Mission Workers
Help choose our future webinar topics
Several ways to help Palestinians right now
Next webinar: Israeli Annexation of Palestinian Land: Legalizing Apartheid?
May 2020

alestinians at high risk during Covid-19:
Contact Congress to restore U.S. humanitarian aid and demand an end to Israel's blockade of Gaza
Call for Release of Palestinian child prisoners
Contact the Israeli government
Learn about conditions in Palestine
Direct humanitarian aid
March 2020

Oppose Trumps "Peace to Prosperity" Plan

Endorse United Methodist Resolutions for GC 2020

Feb 2020

McCollum Briefing for Congress on HR 2407
November 2019

Aid for Gaza: Supporting PCAP campaign for UNRWA
October 2019

Make your voice heard - tell legislators to defend Congress members' and American citizens' free speech
August 2019

US funding for abuse of children must stop:
Tell Representatives to Support HR 2407

May 2019

Congressional Briefing on the Great March of Return
March 2019

Restore Vital Humanitarian Aid for Palestinians
Sept 2018

Help to Save Khan al-Ahmar

UMKR Condemns Israel's Apartheid Law
July 2018

Defend the Protesters in the Great March of Return
May 2018

There is a real Wonder Woman: she's 17 and in prison
Ahed Tamimi

March 2018

Legislation to Oppose: The Israel Anti-Boycott Act and the Combating BDS Act of 2017
Feb 2018

Oppose Actions by Trump Administration: Recognizing Jerusalem as Capital of Israel and Cutting Humanitarian Aid to Palestinians
Jan 2018

Congressional briefing with Mayors of Bethlehem and Wadi Foquin
Nov 2017

Support Palestinian Unity Agreement and End the Gaza Blockade
Oct 2017

Stop School Demolitions and Destruction of Palestinian Homes and Communities
Sept 2017


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