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For News & Alerts

United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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🔸= Something New or Recently Updated   


​​United Methodist Church votes to divest bonds of Israel and other occupier

Palestine is a theme at the UMC General Conference with groundbreaking legislation, public actions, and more.
See the release


United Methodist conferences oppose Israeli apartheid in 2022, take actions to defend Palestinian human rights

Oregon-Idaho and New England UMs join growing global consensus on Israeli apartheid; Iowa and Northern Illinois oppose Christian Zionism, the latter also supports congressional bill H.R. 2590 and defends the right to boycott.

See the report

A Change in UMKR Leadership: Rev. John Wagner Retires
After 12 years of dedication to our advocacy movement for Palestinian rights, John Wagner, a UMKR co-founder and longtime co-chair, is retiring. 
See the announcement by Lisa Bender, UMKR Co-chair
See the tribute from Ann Craig of LYNC


Black-Palestinian Solidarity: webinar explores a game-changing relationship between liberation struggles
Solidarity between Black Americans and Palestinians has a long and storied history, from the fateful stand by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in the 1960’s, to the unequivocal public support from Black Lives Matter and passionate speeches by Rev. Dr. William Barber II, leader of the Poor People’s Campaign, in the 2010’s and 20’s.

See the press release

Webinar Series dives deep into the “Doctrine of Discovery”
From Popes to Presidents, the “Doctrine of Discovery” has empowered global leaders to change the lives of indigenous people throughout history. An upcoming five-part webinar series will explore the history and impact of the doctrine and the legacy of conquest that Christians have inherited to this day.
See the press release


United Methodist Church: Opposing Israeli Settlements since 1976
United Methodist leaders, members appalled by Trump administration’s disregard for international law and human rights, acceptance of crime of colonialism. 

See the press release

A New Co-Chair for UMKR
August 2019 –
See the announcement

UMKR Responds to GC2019 and Judicial Council Rulings of April 2019

April 2019 –
See the statement

​​UMKR Condemns Israel’s Apartheid Law
July 2018 –
See the press release

UMKR Condemns Israel's Response to the Great March of Return 2018

June 2018 – See it here

BDS movement nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
February 2018 – 
Read more and take action to support the nomination


United Methodists and broad faith coalition publish full page ad,

call on Americans to protect First Amendment rights

November 2017

United Methodists in U.S. defend the right to boycott and divest

July 2017

Resource: Legislative successes at 2017 Annual Conferences

Listing resolutions adopted and actions taken, by resolution and by region

July 2017

Twelve United Methodist Missionaries Write to Donald Trump
Open letter opposes moving U.S. embassy to Jerusalem
February 2017

UMKR welcomes new United Methodist investment fund
Notes the need to apply long-standing church policy on Israeli occupation to other church funds

April 2017


UMKR commends UNSC Resolution, US role in its passage, and Kerry's statement

December 2016

UMKR questions Israeli crackdown on humanitarian aid

August 2016

United Methodist General Conference calls on Israel to end unjust practices

toward Palestinians

May 2016

Caterpillar has NOT adopted the Ruggie Principles

April 2016

United Methodist pension fund excludes and divests of Israeli banks
January 2016


UMKR celebrates boycott success in Palestinian territories

October 2015

Eight more annual conferences call for divestment

July 2015

UMKR welcomes new investment fund, while noting problems

January 2015


United Methodist Church Divests G4S

June 2014

UMKR Leader Receives National Award from US Campaign

September 2013

More United Methodists Divest from Israeli Occupation

June 2013


UMKR Supports 15 Christian Leaders' Letter: Review U.S. Military Aid to Israel
November 2012

Energized by General Conference
May 2012

Announcing JVP Rabbinical Council Support
April 2012

UMKR Response  to Pension Board's Resolution

March 2012


News & Analysis     Press Releases & Statements