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For News & Alerts

United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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🔸= Something New or Recently Updated   

On 19 October 2021, the Israeli government declared six highly respected Palestinian organizations as "terrorist institutions,” a legal designation could subject them to great harm under harsh and extreme Israeli laws and within the international community. These groups advocate for Palestinian human rights at the local and international levels, provide services and support to women, children, farmers, and prisoners, and collectively support thousands of Palestinians across the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
They are being targeted because they are doing critical work to expose and resist Israel’s constant violations of Palestinian rights. This is a grave assault on Palestinian society which the international community must oppose in every way possible. Learn more

For decades, the Palestinian people have faced Israeli settler colonialism and occupation enforced through systemic racist human rights abuses. According to human rights experts, Israel has created an Apartheid regime and is committing the crime of Apartheid. 
   We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their call for equal and full rights.
Inspired by the struggle to end apartheid in South Africa, we want to declare our own communities “Apartheid-Free" - our congregations, associations, cities, campuses, and workplaces.
​   Hundreds of communities have taken the Apartheid-Free pledge. UMKR can help you bring this initiative to your congregation or community!
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Thousands of Palestinians are at risk of being kicked out of their homes by the Israeli government in neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. UMKR and many partners have organized actions that you can support to help avert this tragedy. We’re asking the U.S. State Department to uphold international law and take action against Israel’s continued expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, theft of Palestinian land, and separation of Palestinian families. Learn more

Advocates for Palestinian rights are mobilizing to ensure the UN hears the global call for a UN-led investigation of Israeli apartheid. Not only for the event of UNGA77, this is action we can take at any time. Learn more

Palestinian Child Prisoners
The No Way to Treat a Child campaign seeks to expose and challenge Israel's widespread and systematic detention, abuse and imprisonment of Palestinian children under the Israeli military occupation. Like all children, Palestinian children have the right to a safe and just future. We believe all governments must use every available means to pressure relevant Israeli authorities to end the detention and abuse of Palestinian children.  
​​Learn more

Several of these campaigns and actions can also be found in other areas of our website, such as Boycott, Political, Solidarity, etc.

For all our latest actions, check the menu under ACTION/ CAMPAIGNS in the navigation bar.



In early May of 2022, the Israeli High Court approved the forced eviction of a group of Palestinian hamlets in the Masafer Yatta area, in the south of the West Bank. In effect, the Israeli court has approved a war crime.  If this crime is carried out, it will be the largest forcible transfer of Palestinians from their land since 1967, when the Israeli military took over the West Bank and Gaza.  Learn more

Dismantling Racism is more than one campaign; it is a continuing concern  and focus for UMKR and  a section of our website with many resources for learning about the work to be done and a wide range of actions and campaigns to support. Discover books, articles, learning activities, videos and podcasts among these Antiracism Resources
Find campaigns for Reparations, Defunding Police, and other important actions at: 
Antiracism Action

Stand with the Google and Amazon workers who are telling their employers they do not want to provide technology that will support an apartheid regime. Learn more

Since February 2021, Facebook has been considering adopting a policy that would treat some criticism of Zionist ideology and Israeli policies as hate speech, therefore not permitted on Facebook. That would have the effect of muzzling activists for Palestinian freedom and equality on the world's biggest social media forum.
   Across the US and around the world, thousands are working together to oppose this proposed censorship. Support this vital campaign for free speech, a universal human right:
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​Chevron runs natural gas extraction and pipelines off the shore of Palestine/Israel, making it a major partner in Israeli energy apartheid, the military blockade on Gaza, and the illegal exploitation of Palestinian land and resources.

United Methodists have joined with Palestinian civil society in calling on Chevron to end its support of genocide and apartheid in Palestine. 
Learn more

No Tech for Apartheid


Take action to help Tent of Nations!
This multi-generational family peace project, beloved and celebrated around the world, needs our voices again! Contact U.S. government leaders to help ensure the Nassar Family is able to prevail in their struggle to keep their land and maintain this remarkable project, in the midst of the ever-expanding settlements that surround and oppress them.  
Learn more, take action