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United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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🔸= Something New or Recently Updated   

​​Boycott        Boycott Resources

Dec. 2016 – Please note that this document has been updated with UMKR's new name: United Methodists for Kairos Response.

This boycott guide is from the early 2010's.

For current information about recommended and viable boycotts, please see our navigation menu under "BOYCOTT" and the website of the Palestinian BDS movement: "Know What to Boycott"

Seizing the Mandate:

Boycotting Products from the Illegal Settlements
Learn about products being manufactured in illegal Israeli settlements,

which ones are imported to the US, why the boycott of these products

is an effective action for peace, and how you can support the boycott.
Download this resource (42pp)

See and download the Map of Industrial Zones and Settlements, from this resource.

See below a few pages from this resource.