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Joint Letter to President Biden Calling for Immediate Action Following Israeli Government's Attacks on Palestinian CivilSociety

The UMC General Board of Church and Society (GBCS), United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR), and Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) are signatories on this letter

We write because your administration’s consistently yielding response to the Israeli government’s escalating attacks against prominent Palestinian human rights and civil society groups over the past 10 months has put the safety and well-being of Palestinian human rights
defenders at serious risk. We call for immediate action in response to the Israeli government’s latest escalation so as to curtail any further imminent repressive tactics by Israeli authorities and ensure Palestinian civil society is free to continue its critical work.
See the full letter on our website

Statementson Israel's designation of 6 Palestinian organizations as "terrorists"


Statements in 2022 are below
and those from 2021 are in the right column.
Those on which United Methodists were signatories are indicated in red, and links are provided to read the full text on our website.

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United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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Scroll down to see the statements on which United Methodists were signatories, indicated in red.

Addameer Affirms its Commitment to Protect and Defend Palestinian Prisoners
Addameer categorically rejects all attempts at criminalizing and halting our necessary human rights work and defense of Palestinian prisoners through the baseless designation of six Palestinian organizations as “terrorist organizations.”
     For over three decades, Addameer lawyers and researchers have worked relentlessly to document and produce reports detailing gross systematic practices of arbitrary detention, torture, and the absence of fair trial standards….
In retaliation, we have faced decades of an ongoing systematic harassment campaign by Israeli occupation authorities targeting Addameer through arbitrary arrests of staff, military raids on its offices in Ramallah, gag orders on prisoners’ cases, travel bans, residency revocation, and disinformation campaigns. These disinformation campaigns, spearheaded by Israeli occupation authorities and allied non-state actors, have greatly escalated in recent years….
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Defense for Children International – Palestine
DCIP Statement on Israeli Authorities’ Designation of DCIP as a “Terrorist Organization”
As DCIP defends Palestinian children in the Israeli military courts and exposes grave violations against Palestinian children at the hands of Israeli forces, delegitimization and disinformation campaigns against DCIP have been advanced by a network of rising nationalist Israeli civil society organizations and associated organizations outside of Israel, with the support of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These efforts take the form of targeted and organized defamation campaigns based on a range of allegations related to the violation of counter-terrorism legislation and international law. These allegations are erroneous, misrepresent, and distort critical factual or legal elements.
See and download the statement

Former staff of Al-Haq
Statement from former Al-Haq workers outside Palestine in response to the designation of six Palestinian human rights and civil society groups as “terrorist”
Across the region, and indeed internationally, Al-Haq is credited as an incubator for human rights activists and professionals, and for setting the gold standard in research and advocacy.
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Palestinian Christians
Statement by Palestinian Christian Organizations on classifying six Palestinian human rights organizations as ‘terrorist organizations’
We, the undersigned Palestinian Christian organizations, while reiterating the illegitimacy of this arbitrary decision and its grave implications to civil society organizations and human rights defenders, call upon countries, the international community, partners and donors in general and international Christian institutions in particular, to reject and condemn this decision, prevent the Israeli occupation state from moving forward with these arbitrary and illegitimate practices in violation of international laws, to pressure Israel to revoke the decision; and to continue to support the right of Palestinians to justice, freedom, and dignity.
See and download the full statement

Palestinian NGOs within Israel
Israel’s designation of Palestinian human right defenders and civil society groups as terrorist organizations must be immediately rescinded and condemned.
These groups are among the most prominent Palestinian human rights organizations.
They have gained a high reputation for credibility and professionalism in the international community by challenging human rights violations before international forums, including UN human rights bodies and international courts.
The designation, which was made under Israel’s domestic Anti-Terrorism Law (2016),
constitutes an unprecedented attack on human rights defenders, who are resisting the
Israeli occupation and its oppression, system of apartheid, impunity for serious crimes
under international law, and the abusive use of counter-terrorism laws against
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The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC) and
the Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO)
Israel’s Sinister Designation of 6 Leading Palestinian Organizations As “Terror Organizations” is an Attempt to Silence and Control Palestinians
Notably, the use of purposely vague and baseless “anti-terrorism” legislation to criminalize the
six organizations under Israeli domestic law follows years of sustained and systematic campaigns and attacks against Palestinian CSOs, to stymie their human rights documentation and cooperation with international and United Nations (UN) human rights mechanisms. On 19 August 2021, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defender, Mary
Lawlor, issued a statement addressing multiple prominent cases of arbitrary arrests, harassment, criminalization, and threats against human rights defenders in the OPT.
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25 Human Rights and Civil Society Organizations based in Israel
Shutting down HR organizations a draconian measure; We stand in solidarity with our Palestinian colleagues
The Minister of Defense's designation of prominent Palestinian civil society organizations, among them our colleagues in the Palestinian human rights community, as terrorist organizations, is a draconian measure that criminalizes critical human rights work. Documentation, advocacy, and legal aid are fundamental activities for the protection of human rights worldwide. Criminalizing such work is an act of cowardice, characteristic of repressive authoritarian regimes. Civil society and human rights defenders must be
protected. We stand in solidarity with our Palestinian colleagues, and call on members of the Israeli government and the international community to oppose this decision unequivocally.
See the signers

Organizations and Leaders in the US

United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR) and United Methodists’ Holy Land Task Force are signers on this letter

304 Organizations Demand Biden Administration Condemn Israel’s Crackdown on Human Rights Groups
As groups committed to social justice, civil rights, and universal human rights, we have seen first hand the ways that the charge of “terrorist” and the so-called “war on terror” threatens not only international human rights defenders, but also social movements and marginalized communities here in the U.S.: Indigenous, Black, brown, Muslim, and Arab activists and communities have similarly faced silencing, intimidation, criminalization and surveillance under such baseless charges. A threat against the Palestinian human rights movement is a threat against movements for social justice everywhere, and in order to protect human rights and human rights defenders, all states must be held accountable for taking such manifestly unjust actions. While our government has long offered unconditional support to the Israeli government,4 our movements and organizations will always stand first and foremost with the rights and safety of people.
See the full letter on our website

Churches and Organizations in the U.S.

The General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church is a signatory on this letter.
Letter to Secretary Blinken from Churches & Organizations in the US, Opposing Designation of Palestinian HR Groups as terrorist organizations
The United Methodist General Board of Church and Society is a signer of this letter
The targeted organizations are among the most respected Palestinian human rights organizations, organizations that many of us rely on for information and with which we have long established relationships. All of these organizations work closely with the United Nations, international NGO partners, and activist communities and advocate to European and U.S. government officials. They also provide vital information about and services to Palestinians whose human rights have been violated.
See the full letter on our website

Presbyterian Church USA
Stated Clerk speaks out on actions against six Palestinian organizations
Indeed, this is a crisis of impunity and accountability that has been allowed to continue for far too long. The failure of the international community to hold Israel accountable for its grave human rights abuses and ongoing violations of international law has led to actions against the Palestinian people that are increasingly violent and brazen.
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American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)
AMP condemns Israeli "terror" designation of Palestinian human rights groups
"The Israeli government continues to attack Palestinian human rights and civil society groups who are exposing Israel’s apartheid regime to the rest of the world and particularly groups who are making an impact at the United Nations and US Congress,” said Ayah Ziyadeh, Advocacy Director of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). “The Biden Administration and Congress can no longer enable the injustices committed by the state of Israel and must openly and firmly condemn this designation by the Israeli government.”
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B’Tselem, The Israeli Human Rights Center
Proud to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian colleagues
This morning, B’Tselem and more than 20 Israeli civil society organizations ran a front-page ad in the Haaretz daily stating the obvious: criminalizing human rights organizations is a cowardly act that is characteristic of oppressive authoritarian regimes.
The Israeli apartheid regime has sweeping powers when it comes to running the lives of its Palestinian subjects. It does not hesitate to use these powers to prevent Palestinians from exposing its actions, from demanding accountability and from lobbying the international community. The regime is now using these powers to try and shut down human rights organizations – yet again citing “classified evidence.” The minister of defense may have signed the order this time, but the responsibility, and the disgrace, lie with the entire government – with every single minister and with all the parties to the coalition.
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Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch
Joint Statement
Israel/OPT: Designation of Palestinian civil society groups as terrorists a brazen attack on human rights

“This appalling and unjust decision is an attack by the Israeli government on the international human rights movement. For decades, Israeli authorities have systematically sought to muzzle human rights monitoring and punish those who criticize its repressive rule over Palestinians. While staff members of our organizations have faced deportation and travel bans, Palestinian human rights defenders have always borne the brunt of the repression. This decision is an alarming escalation that threatens to shut down the work of Palestine’s most prominent civil society organizations.
Read more - see the full statement at either website

United Nations officials
UN experts condemn Israel’s designation of Palestinian human rights defenders as terrorist organisations
“The Israeli military has frequently targeted human rights defenders in recent years, as its occupation has deepened, its defiance of international law has continued and its record of human rights violations has worsened,” the experts said. “While international and Israeli human rights organisations have faced heavy criticism, legislative restrictions and even deportations, Palestinian human rights defenders have always encountered the severest constraints.”
     The human rights experts called upon the international community to use its full range of political and diplomatic tools to request that Israel review and reverse this decision. “These civil society organisations are the canaries in the human rights coalmine, alerting us to the patterns of violations, reminding the international community of its obligations to ensure accountability, and providing voices for those who have none,” the experts said.
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United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet
Israel’s “terrorism” designation an unjustified attack on Palestinian civil society
"Claiming rights before a UN or other international body is not an act of terrorism, advocating for the rights of women in the occupied Palestinian territory is not terrorism, and providing legal aid to detained Palestinians is not terrorism," Bachelet said.
"Israel must ensure that human rights defenders are not detained, charged and convicted in relation to their legitimate work to protect and promote human rights. I call on the Israeli authorities to revoke their designations against Palestinian human rights and humanitarian organisations as terrorist organizations, as well as their declarations against those they deem to be 'unlawful',"
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Christian Peacemakers Teams
Statement on designation of six Palestinian organizations as "terrorist groups”s
This move to criminalize organizational reporting and public denouncement of human rights abuses by labelling the organizations "terrorists" is an affront to human rights work worldwide. The scope of this action and the precedent it sets without receiving diplomatic pushback causes deep concern throughout the global human rights community.
CPT joins in this global concern and calls on world governments to immediately remove the umbrella of impunity under which the Israeli occupation has flourished. CPT stands in solidarity with Palestinian human rights organizations and those demanding an immediate end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
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Adalah, The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
These groups are among the most prominent human rights organizations in Palestine that daily challenge and expose severe violations of human rights before the international community. Their designation as terrorist organizations fits totalitarian and colonial regimes and constitutes political persecution under the pretext of anti-terrorism legislation as it puts thousands of Palestinians in direct and immediate danger.
Adalah is determined to resist these decisions by all legal means available.
See the full statement in a Tweet series

International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Global Union Federations
Israel’s designation of Palestinian human rights groups as terrorists is outrageous
“It is no coincidence that this announcement coincides with Israel’s decision to build more than 4,000 new houses in illegal Israeli settlements inside Palestine, a move that has been sharply criticised by even Israel’s closest allies.
“The Israeli government seems intent on wrecking any prospect of a two-state solution, with Palestine and Israel co-existing as sovereign states. The existence of the settlements is a flagrant violation of international law, and instead of being expanded they should be dismantled.”
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16 UK-based organizations
Israeli Government’s attacks on six Palestinian civil society groups must be resisted
The UK Government has committed to supporting human rights defenders around the world, and has called for the government of Israel to “fully respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of human rights defenders and organisations and to allow them to freely operate in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories.” Alongside other governments, it must now take urgent practical steps to reiterate its public support to Palestinian human rights defenders and humanitarian and development organisations.
Signed by: ABCD Bethlehem, Amos Trust, Amnesty International UK, CAABU (Council for Arab-British Understanding), Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD), Christian Aid, Embrace the Middle East, Friends of Nablus and Surrounding Areas (FONSA), Interpal, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR), Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), Oxfam GB, Quakers in Britain, Sabeel-Kairos UK, Save the Children UK, War on Want
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International coalition of Human Rights Networks and Organizations
252 Human Rights Networks and Organizations Condemn the decision of the occupation and apartheid government concerning the six Palestinian civil society and human rights organizations and calls upon international human rights organizations to condemn It, work for its abolition, and protect human rights defenders
The undersigned organizations salute the struggles of the Palestinian people and their legendary steadfastness; and they appreciate the efforts of human rights organizations and Palestinian civil society organizations, especially the organizations targeted by this illegitimate decision.
The undersigned organizations also call upon the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and all international bodies concerned with the defense of human rights…to take appropriate legal measures, condemn the decision of the occupation government, work to cancel it, and provide protection for Palestinian human rights defenders and the rights of the Palestinian people.
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