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United Methodists are responding to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth ,a statement of faith and urgent call to action from Christians in Palestine.  UMKR seeks, through nonviolent means and in partnership with Palestinian Christians, freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.

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Related Resources 

BY ILAN PAPPE - a partial list

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
Ten Myths About Israel
In Palestine Chronicle
Using the Right Language: The ‘Incremental Genocide’ of the Palestinians Continues
Ilan Pappe archives at The Palestine Chronicle

BY SAMIA KHOURY - a partial list
Reflections from Palestine: A Journey of Hope - A Memoir
From Birzeit University
The Nakba and Its Aftermath



1948: Creation and Catastrophe


After persuading her father to continue her education in the city, a Palestinian girl's dream is shattered by the harrowing developments of the Nakba.


The Nakba Explained

How did the Nakba happen?


From IMEU, Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba (“Catastrophe”)
- The Nakba, 65 Years of Dispossession and Apartheid
- Plan Dalet
- Israeli Independence and the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
- FAQs: The Nakba and Palestinian Refugees Today
- Explainer: The Deir Yassin Massacre

From Jewish Voice for Peace
A seven-session curriculum

Provides educational material, eyewitness testimonies, images, videos and artifacts that bring to life the Palestinian Nakba, its generational impact, and the struggle for return of Palestinian refugees.delivers the historyand ongoing realities of the Nakba and its impact on Palestinian lives.

From Al-Shabaka, The Palestinian Policy Network
Marking the Nakba: From Betrayals and Warnings to Future Visions
a collection of pieces in a downloadable booklet

In Middle East Monitor
Remembering the Massacre at Deir Yassin

In Al Jazeera
The Deir Yassin massacre: Why it still matters 75 years later

In Middle East Eye
Nakba: Essential books explaining the ethnic cleansingof Palestine and creation of Israel


for our work to continue.

Scroll down the page to watch the video

Knowing the Nakba:
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
to Create the State of Israel

Wednesday, 17 May 2023
​Presented by UMKR and MFSA

In 2023, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba. 

The Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) of 1948 has been called the poisonous root of all that has plagued the Holy Land since that time, with a never-ending impact that pervades the Middle East and the entire world.

We cannot hope to understand the present turmoil in the Holy Land - let alone achieve a just peace for all those who live there - without knowing where and how this world-shaking conflict began: with the ethnic cleansing of indigenous people from their homeland.

Join us for a unique educational and thought-provoking presentation, with moving firsthand recollections of the Nakba, expert historical analysis, and  riveting video clips.

The world-renowned author Ilan Pappé is widely regarded as the preeminent voice among Israel's "New Historians." His courageously ground-breaking, myth-shattering work of 2006, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," draws upon previously classified archival evidence and clearly presents to the world the truth about Israel's birth and the ideology that drove it: that the forcible removal of the indigenous Palestinians from their homeland was wholly intentional and was considered essential for the creation of the state of Israel. 

Ilan Pappé's large body of work also includes the 2017 book "Ten Myths About Israel" and the 2023 article "Using the Right Language: The ‘Incremental Genocide’ of the Palestinians Continues"

Professor Pappé founded and directed the Academic Institute for Peace in Givat Haviva, Israel and was the Chair of the Emil Tuma Institute for Palestine Studies in Haifa. He was a senior lecturer in Middle Eastern History and Political Science in Haifa University, Israel. Today Pappé is Professor of History and Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. Besides his focus on the modern Middle East and Israel and Palestine in particular, he has also written on multiculturalism, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Power and Knowledge in general.

Nakba survivor Samia Khoury has been throughout her life a leading voice in the Palestinian Christian community. She has written and spoken widely on all aspects of the Palestinian experience, from her vivid recollections of the Nakba to the current realities of life under the Israeli military occupation. Some of the former can be found in her article "The Nakba and Its Aftermath." In her 2014 memoir "Reflections from Palestine: A Journey of Hope," Khoury beautifully explains the wide-ranging social and political problems facing Palestinians under occupation through the sweet and sorrowful experiences of family and community life.

Educated in the U.S. at a Methodist-affiliated college, Samia Khoury is a co-founder of Sabeel, the Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem, a founding member of Birzeit University Board of Trustees, and former president of the Palestinian YWCA, among many other roles she has filled in Palestinian society.

Theresa Basile is a co-founder of UMKR,  the UMKR Communications Director and a member of the Steering Committee.  She is also a member of the Board of Directors of FOSNA: Friends of Sabeel North America, and has previously served on the SteeringCommittee of US Campaign for Palestine Rights. Theresa also serves on the Leadership Teams of MFSA in theCalifornia-Pacific conference and of the Western Methodist Justice Movement, both of which mobilize UnitedMethodists for action on a wide range of justice issues.


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