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Companies Supporting Illegal Occupations

See companies in United Methodist Church investment portfolios

that are within Israeli settlements or otherwise sustaining the Israeli occupation.


Data to support United Methodist resolutions for General Conference 2016 pertaining to:
• divestment from companies involved in the illegal Israeli settlements
• investment screens for companies involved in all illegal settlement activity resulting from military occupations,
not only in Israel/Palestine

Public Companies Profiting from
Illegal Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land

Supports Petition 60855 - "Establish a Screen to Remove and Avoid
Investments in Illegal Settlements" submitted by Minnesota, Oregon-Idaho,
West Michigan, Upper New York, and California-Pacific Annual Conferences and 1
Similar Petition (from UMKR)

Public Companies Producing Goods or Services In
Illegal Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land

Supports Petition 60858 - "Divestment" - submitted by Pacific Northwest and New
England and 1 Similar Petition (from UMKR)

Companies Producing Goods or Services
In Morocco's Illegal Settlement of Western Sahara

Supports Petition 60858 - "Divestment" - submitted by Pacific Northwest and New
England and 1 Similar Petition (from UMKR)

d land. "
The history of United Methodists' corporate engagement

with Caterpillar, Hewlett Packard and Motorola Solutions.

Supports Petition 60856 - "Divest from Caterpillar" submitted by GBCS, Desert
Southwest, and Pacific Northwest Annual Conference and 1 Similar Petition (from

Supports Petition 60857 - "Divest from Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions,
and Hewlett Packard" - submitted by Pacific Northwest, Oregon-Idaho, Upper New
York and 1 Similar Petition (from UMKR)

For Petitions 60856 and 60857, see also

Companies in United Methodist investment portfolios


See the report from the Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), recommending divestment from three companies: Caterpillar, Hewlett Packard and Motorola Solutions.

Divestment      The Companies